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6 Types of Swimming Pool Covers

by | Nov 22, 2011 | blog | 0 comments

When taking care of a in-ground swimming pool, having the right type of cover can make all the difference. Finding the right cover can be a bit tricky and will depend upon a variety of factors including your pool shape, size, and of course, what you need the cover for. The guide below should help you identify just the right cover(s) for your pool.

Solar Pool Covers: A very common pool cover, solar covers utilize the suns energy to generate heat for your pool. These covers float freely on your pool surface and are designed primarily for heating your pool and prolonging your pool season. They are not the most efficient covers for keeping debris out of your pool and should not be consider a safety cover.

Solar Rings: While designed to provide heat for a pool similar to a standard solar pool cover, solar rings have a few unique benefits. Due to their design, solar rings are very adept at passing heat to deeper parts of your pool. They can also be turned over when the pool temperature is ideal, enabling them to act as barriers to sunlight that will evaporate water and precious pool chemicals. Solar rings work well with automatic pool cleaners as well.

Leaf Nets: With these covers the name says it all. Leaf nets are basic covers designed to keep leaves and other larger containments out of your pool. Simply place the leaf net over the pool, anchor it down and watch as the leaves fall harmlessly onto your net. If you have a lot of leaves to deal with every year, it may be wise to remove this net multiple times to clean the leaves off. Leaf nets are often used in combination with a heavier winter cover.

Winter Pool Cover: These heavy-duty pool covers are designed to protect your pool from debris as well as other unwanted pool contaminators. While many winter covers offer features such as thermal protection or coloring to help guard against algae growth, they do often vary in weave thickness which can be a determinate in the durability and overall quality of the cover. As mentioned above, winter pool covers can be used in concert with leaf nets. It’s important to note that winter pool covers are not necessarily considered safety covers.

Safety Nets and Safety Covers: Pool safety covers are available in a standard net/mesh form, as well as solid covers. Safety nets are designed with gaps too small for a child to fall through, but too big to allow efficient balancing or movement. Solid safety pool covers are heavy covers that are designed to be anchored down and keep everything from loose debris to kids and pets out of your pool.

Automatic Covers: Automatic covers have permanently mounted reels that automatically cover and uncover the pool at the push of a button. They are the most expensive option, but are also the most convenient. These reels can be run from either an external motor or using an internal motor that spins the reel.

 Parrot Bay Pools is fully qualifed to measure and install any of the afore-mentioned covering systems. Let us know how we can help you manage your covering requirements if any.

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